Haxe 2 から 3 へ
Haxe のバージョンを 2.10 から 3.0.0 に更新した。
Haxe 2 の時のコードが結構動かなくなったので、変更点をメモ。
interface 継承の変更
implements -> extends
- haxe 2
interface Hoge {} interface Piyo implements Hoge {}
- haxe 3
interface Hoge {} interface Piyo extends Hoge {}
複数 interface を実装する場合の指定の変更
implements A, implements B -> implements A implements B
- haxe 2
interface A {} interface B {} class C implements A, implements B {}
- haxe 3
interface A {} interface B {} class C implements A implements B {}
構造体と型 で、「えー」っていってたのができなくなった。
- haxe 2
using Lambda; typedef X = { id: Int, name: String, msg: String, hoge: Int } class Hoge { public static function hoge(x: List<X>) {} public static function main() { hoge([{ name: "hoge" }, { msg: "hoge" }].list()); } }
- haxe 3
using Lambda; typedef X = { id: Int, name: String, msg: String, hoge: Int } class Hoge { public static function hoge(x: List<X>) {} public static function main() { hoge([ { id: null, name: "hoge", msg: null, hoge: null }, { id: null, name: null, msg: "hoge", hoge: null }, ].list()); } }
ヘテロな配列を作る際に、Array の指定が必須
- haxe 2
class Hoge { public static function main() { var as = [{ name: "hoge" }, { msg: "hoge" }]; trace(as); } }
- haxe 3
class Hoge { public static function main() { var as: Array<Dynamic> = [{ name: "hoge" }, { msg: "hoge" }]; trace(as); } }
Std.format 廃止
Std.format("~") -> '~'
- haxe 2
class Hoge { public static function main() { var x = 10; var str = Std.format("${x}"); trace(str); } }
- haxe 3
class Hoge { public static function main() { var x = 10; var str = '${x}'; trace(str); } }
window などが、js.Lib -> js.Browser に移動
- haxe 2
class Hoge { public static function main() { var url = js.Lib.window.location.href; trace(url); } }
- haxe 3
class Hoge { public static function main() { var url = js.Browser.window.location.href; trace(url); } }
Array の first メソッド等廃止
- haxe 2
class Hoge { public static function main() { var xs = [1, 2, 3]; var x = xs.first(); trace(x); } }
- haxe 3
class Hoge { public static function main() { var xs = [1, 2, 3]; var x = xs[0]; trace(x); } }
Void 型の扱いが変更
- haxe 2
using Lambda; class Hoge { public static function main() { var f: Void -> Int = function(x) { return 1; }; var xs: List<Void> = [null, null].list(); var ys = xs.map(f); trace(ys); } }
- haxe 3
class Hoge { public static function main() { var f: Void -> Int = function() { return 1; }; var xs: List<Void> = [null, null].list(); //var ys = xs.map(f); // error: Void -> Int should be (Void) -> Unknown<0> //trace(ys); } }
関数型内の Dynamic で Void が受け取れなくなった
- haxe 2
using Lambda; class Hoge { public static function hoge(x: List<Dynamic>) {} public static function piyo(f: Int -> Dynamic) {} public static function main() { var xs: List<Void> = [null, null].list(); hoge(xs); var f: Int -> Void = function(x) {}; piyo(f); } }
- haxe 3
using Lambda; class Hoge { public static function hoge(x: List<Dynamic>) {} public static function piyo<T>(f: Int -> T) {} public static function main() { var xs: List<Void> = [null, null].list(); hoge(xs); var f: Int -> Void = function(x) {}; piyo(f); } }
Hash 廃止
Hash -> Map
- haxe 2
class Hoge { public static function main() { var m: Hash<Int> = new Hash(); m.set("hoge", 1); } }
- haxe 3
class Hoge { public static function main() { var m: Map<String, Int> = new Map(); m.set("hoge", 1); } }
- "use strict" がつくようになった
- 無名関数にくくられ、グローバルを汚さないようになった
package hoge.aa; extern class AA { public static function create(): AA; }
- haxe 2
package hoge; import hoge.aa.AA; class Hoge { public static function main() { var a = AA.create(); trace(a); } }
- haxe 3
package hoge; import hoge.aa.AA; class Hoge { public static function main() { //var a = AA.create(); // runtime error: Cannot read property 'AA' of undefined var a: AA = untyped __js__("window.hoge.aa.AA.create()"); trace(a); } }
prototype でつけた関数をファーストクラスで使うと this がしぬ
function Hoge() { var me = this; me.print1 = function() { console.log(me); }; } Hoge.prototype.print2 = function() { console.log(this); } var hoge = new Hoge(); hoge.print1(); // Hoge {print1: function, print2: function} hoge.print2(); // Hoge {print1: function, print2: function} var apply = function(f) { f(); }; apply(hoge.print1); // Hoge {print1: function, print2: function} apply(hoge.print2); // undefined
- Mix.hx
interface A {} interface B {} class C implements A, implements B { public function new() {} } class Mix { public static function hoge(x: A) {} public static function piyo(x: B) {} }
- Hoge.hx
using Mix; class Hoge { public static function main() { var c = new C(); c.hoge(); c.piyo(); } }
- Mix.hx
interface A {} interface X<T> {} class C implements X<A> { public function new() {} } class Mix { public static function hoge(x: X<A>) {} }
- Hoge.hx
using Mix; class Hoge { public static function main() { var c = new C(); c.hoge(); } }
- Mix.hx
interface A {} interface B {} interface X<T> {} class C implements X<A>, implements X<B> { public static function new() {} } class Mix { public static function hoge(x: X<A>) {} public static function piyo(x: X<B>) {} }
- Hoge.hx
using Mix; class Hoge { public static function main() { var c = new C(); c.hoge(); c.piyo(); } }
- 実行
$ haxe hoge.hxml Hoge.hx:5: characters 2-8 : C has no field hoge
piyo はあるらしい。
どうも、最後の implememt だけ有効みたいだが・・・
typedef X = { id: Int, name: String } class Hoge { public static function hoge(x: X) {} public static function main() { hoge({ id: 0 }); } }
$ haxe hoge.hxml Hoge.hx:5: characters 7-16 : { id : Int } has no field name Hoge.hx:5: characters 7-16 : For function argument 'x'
using Lambda; typedef X = { id: Int, name: String, msg: String, hoge: Int } class Hoge { public static function hoge(x: List<X>) {} public static function main() { hoge([{ name: "hoge" , msg: "hoge" }].list()); } }
using Lambda; typedef X = { id: Int, name: String, msg: String, hoge: Int } class Hoge { public static function hoge(x: List<X>) {} public static function main() { hoge([{ name: "hoge" }, { msg: "hoge" }].list()); } }
type 演算子?
プログラム中のどこでも,ある表現の型を知るためには,type 演算子を使うことができます。コンパイル時に,type 演算子は除去され,表現だけが残ります :
var x : Int = type(0);
この例ではコンパイル時に Int と表示され,type が使われなかった場合と同じようにコンパイルされます。
Type Inference - Haxe
- hoge.hxml
-js hoge.js -main Hoge
- Hoge.hxml
class Hoge { public static function main() { var x : Int = type(0); } }
- 実行
$ haxe hoge.hxml Hoge.hx:3: characters 16-20 : Unknown identifier : type
まずは、Haskell Platform を確認。
多分 2012.4.0.0 にするときに誤って入れたらしい。
一旦今の Haskell 環境を消して、
$ sudo /Library/Haskell/bin/uninstall-hs --remove thru 7.4.2 $ rm -rf ~/.cabal/ ~/.ghc/ ~/cabal-dev/ $ rm -rf ~/Library/Haskell/ $ sudo rm -rf /Library/Haskell/ $ sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework
次。cabal-dev を入れる。
$ cd ~/Downloads $ git clone git@github.com:creswick/cabal-dev.git $ cd cabal-dev $ cabal install
次。yesod-platform を入れる。
$ cd $ cabal-dev install yesod-platform
自分の場合は .bashrc を弄る。
(そのうち zsh に移ろうと言い続けて何年だろう・・・)
export PATH=〜:$HOME/cabal-dev/bin:$HOME/Library/Haskell/bin:〜:$PATH
ここまでで yesod コマンドが使えるはずなので確認。
$ yesod version yesod-core version: yesod version:
適当に yesod アプリを作ってみる。
$ yesod init ... (適当に hoge っていうプロジェクトを作ってみた)
$ cd hoge $ cabal-dev install ... Preprocessing library http-conduit- [ 1 of 11] Compiling Network.HTTP.Conduit.Util ( Network/HTTP/Conduit/Util.hs, dist/build/Network/HTTP/Conduit/Util.o ) [ 2 of 11] Compiling Network.HTTP.Conduit.Chunk ( Network/HTTP/Conduit/Chunk.hs, dist/build/Network/HTTP/Conduit/Chunk.o ) [ 3 of 11] Compiling Network.HTTP.Conduit.Types ( Network/HTTP/Conduit/Types.hs, dist/build/Network/HTTP/Conduit/Types.o ) [ 4 of 11] Compiling Network.HTTP.Conduit.Parser ( Network/HTTP/Conduit/Parser.hs, dist/build/Network/HTTP/Conduit/Parser.o ) [ 5 of 11] Compiling Network.HTTP.Conduit.ConnInfo ( Network/HTTP/Conduit/ConnInfo.hs, dist/build/Network/HTTP/Conduit/ConnInfo.o ) ***/cabal-dev//lib/Crypto/Random/AESCtr.hi Declaration for $wmakeParams: Bad interface file: ***/cabal-dev//lib/Crypto/Cipher/AES.hi Something is amiss; requested module cipher-aes-0.1.5:Crypto.Cipher.AES differs from name found in the interface file cryptocipher-0.3.7:Crypto.Cipher.AES Cannot continue after interface file error Failed to install http-conduit- Configuring classy-prelude-conduit-0.4.2... ... cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: hoge-0.0.0 depends on http-conduit- which failed to install. authenticate-1.3.2 depends on http-conduit- which failed to install. clientsession- failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1 http-conduit- failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1 http-reverse-proxy- depends on http-conduit- which failed to install. yesod-1.1.7 depends on http-conduit- which failed to install. yesod-auth-1.1.3 depends on http-conduit- which failed to install. yesod-core- depends on clientsession- which failed to install. yesod-default-1.1.3 depends on clientsession- which failed to install. yesod-form- depends on clientsession- which failed to install. yesod-json-1.1.2 depends on clientsession- which failed to install. yesod-persistent- depends on clientsession- which failed to install. yesod-static- depends on clientsession- which failed to install.
どうも http-conduit のビルドでこけている。
cipher-aes-0.1.5 の Crypto.Cipher.AES と、cryptocipher-0.3.7 の Crypto.Cipher.AES があって、
http-conduit は cprng-aes に依存していて、
cprng-aes はデフォルトでは cipher-aes に依存するようになっている。
また、http-conduit は tls に依存していて、
tls は cryptocipher に依存している。
それとは別に、yesod init によって作られたプロジェクトは
clientsession に依存するようになっていて、
clientsession は cryptocipher に依存している。
cprng-aes の設定を見てみると、Flag によって cipher-aes ではなく cryptocipher に依存するようにできるらしい。
ということで、cprng-aes だけ設定を変えて先に入れるようにして
$ rm -rf cabal-dev/ $ cabal-dev install -f -fastaes cprng-aes $ cabal-dev install
さて 動かしてみる。
$ yesod --dev devel Yesod devel server. Press ENTER to quit Resolving dependencies... Configuring hoge-0.0.0... Rebuilding application... (using cabal-dev) Building hoge-0.0.0... Preprocessing library hoge-0.0.0... In-place registering hoge-0.0.0... ERROR: Could not read BuildInfo file: dist/setup-config Make sure that cabal-install has been compiled with the same GHC version as yesod. and that the Cabal library used by GHC is the same version cannot parse contents yesod: ExitFailure 1
$ dist/build/hoge/hoge Development Migrating: CREATE TABLE "user"("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"ident" VARCHAR NOT NULL,"password" VARCHAR NULL,CONSTRAINT "unique_user" UNIQUE ("ident")) Migrating: CREATE TABLE "email"("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"email" VARCHAR NOT NULL,"user" INTEGER NULL REFERENCES "user","verkey" VARCHAR NULL,CONSTRAINT "unique_email" UNIQUE ("email")) - - [23/Dec/2012:16:43:43 +0900] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.101 Safari/537.11" ^C
RecordWildCards を使って、同じようなフィールドを持つレコードを簡単に変換できる。
- RecordA.hs
module RecordA where data A = A { a :: Int, b :: String, c :: Int } deriving Show
- RecordB.hs
module RecordB where data B = B { a :: Int, b :: String, c :: Int } deriving Show
- RecordC.hs
module RecordC where data C = C { a :: Int, b :: String, c :: String } deriving Show
- RecordMain.hs
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Main where import qualified RecordA import qualified RecordB import qualified RecordC createA :: RecordA.A createA = RecordA.A {..} where a = 1 b = "b" c = 100 -- A をそのまま B に変換 toB1 :: RecordA.A -> RecordB.B toB1 (RecordA.A {..}) = RecordB.B {..} -- A の一部を上書きして B に変換 toB2 :: RecordA.A -> RecordB.B toB2 (RecordA.A {..}) = RecordB.B {..} where b = "bb" -- A を C に変換 (C.c = "aaa") (A.c は使わない) toC1 :: RecordA.A -> RecordC.C toC1 (RecordA.A {..}) = RecordC.C {..} where c = "aaa" -- A を C に変換 (C.c = show A.c) toC2 :: RecordA.A -> RecordC.C toC2 (RecordA.A { c = ca, ..}) = RecordC.C {..} where c = show ca main :: IO () main = do print $ createA print $ toB1 $ createA print $ toB2 $ createA print $ toC1 $ createA print $ toC2 $ createA
- 実行
$ runhaskell RecordMain.hs A {a = 1, b = "b", c = 100} B {a = 1, b = "b", c = 100} B {a = 1, b = "bb", c = 100} C {a = 1, b = "b", c = "aaa"} C {a = 1, b = "b", c = "100"}
Haskellの言語拡張たち 2
前のやつ の続き。
- レコード系
- RecordWildCards
- 型系
- ExistentialQuantification
レコードパターン中で .. とすれば、レコード内のフィールドを一気に束縛したり、現在のスコープの変数から与えたりできる。
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} data Ele = Ele { a :: Int, b :: Int, s1 :: String, s2 :: String } -- RecordWildCards 拡張が必要 create :: Ele create = Ele { b = 2, ..} where a = 3 s1 = "hoge" s2 = "piyo" -- RecordWildCards 拡張が必要 str :: Ele -> String str (Ele { a = 1, ..}) = s1 str (Ele { a = 2, ..}) = s2 str (Ele { a = 3, ..}) = s1 ++ s2 str (Ele {..}) = s1 main = putStrLn . str $ create
$ runhaskell record_wildcarts.hs hogepiyo
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} -- ExistentialQuantification 拡張が必要 data Ele = forall a . (Show a) => Ele a instance Show Ele where show (Ele x) = show x eles :: [Ele] eles = [Ele "hoge", Ele 1, Ele (3,6), Ele $ Just 2, Ele [4,3], Ele ["a", "b"], Ele 1.23] main = putStrLn . unlines $ show `map` eles
$ runhaskell existential_quantification.hs "hoge" 1 (3,6) Just 2 [4,3] ["a","b"] 1.23